Our revelation is to create this earth an enhanced place to subsist. We deem in the saying “Live and let other’s live” and wish that each one of us should believe it so. We wish to improve the living standard of the rural people and other underprivileged section of societies. We want every woman of our country to be self-sustained and self-dependent which would help them in every sphere and they would be able to scrap with the evils existing in the society. Our vision is also to make each one of us to be that sufficient that they could accomplish their indispensable requirements like food, clothing and shelter. Our hallucination is furthermore to make River Mandakini an uncontaminated and sanitary river as it is the most consecrated river in Budelkhand Region. We also wish to revive other such rivers which have been vashines from the maps of Bundelkhand region. Organization is working for a green planet as well where it focuses on the biodiversity of the region where its working
Our obligation is to empower bucolic communities through micro-credit and SHG formation. Making the people self-reliant by contributing in their development through capacity building, various policies, strengthening participation, enhancing their work skills, etc. We keep raising the voices of Poor and Backward sections for their social, mental and economic development in each and every sphere of society. Democratic governance and to improve the status of women is our aforementioned aphorism. In our mythology, the lady is believed to be the Goddess Durga, Mother of each one of us, thus we should apprehend their position in this human race and so we should work towards their betterment. We are also operational towards making apiece affiliate of our society literate so that he can stand by himself in this fast-moving world.